Pierce Results System
Chiropractic care has come a long way in the last 100 years, and new techniques are occasionally introduced that provide more specific adjustments and more effective chiropractic care. An increase in technology has also caused an increase in chiropractic advancements because we can now know more about the human body than we ever thought possible. Dr. Harden-Venable uses the Pierce Results System chiropractic technique.
What Is the Pierce Results System?
The Pierce Results System is a biomechanical system that analyzes the motion of the spine and the stress views of the spinal column to determine the location of spinal function loss. This system was not developed at one time, but rather evolved over time from other techniques, such as the Toggle Recoil Technique (Upper Cervical), Logan Basic, Thompson, and Reaver Systems. The Pierce Results System utilizes technology such as videofluoroscopy (moving x-ray) that give a computerized thermographic assessment of the spine. It also requires a Pierce 230 adjusting table and computer-assisted adjusting instruments for the best results. With the videofluoroscopy, spinal adjustments are monitored and patterns are detected for optimal improvements.
How the Pierce System Can Help You
At Providence Chiropractic, we value this advanced technique, and believe it has a lot to offer those seeking chiropractic care. Our team will analyze your range of motion and assess all four curves of the spine to identify trouble spots. This method allows Dr. Jessica to make specific, precise adjustments. These neurologically-based, accurate adjustments will reduce inflammation and remove any nerve interference between the brain and spinal cord so that the central nervous system can function at its best. This makes all the difference in how your body functions and feels, as well as promotes optimal health and wellness for a lifetime.
History of the Pierce Results System
Walter Pierce, the inventor of this results system, was a Navy man who helped with emergency procedures and also assisted with autopsies. During these autopsies, he took an interest in chiropractic care and then later dedicated five decades developing the best possible techniques to providing optimum chiropractic care and quality of life to others. When he began a chiropractic practice, Pierce found a unique system that seemed to guarantee results for those who came to see him. He called this the Results System. As he focused on the greater good of his patients and saw more and more positive and life-changing results, other chiropractors began to take interest in his system. Thus, the Pierce Results System was born.
For more information about how the Pierce Results System can help you live life to the fullest, contact Fort Mill chiropractor Dr. Jessica Harden-Venable at Providence Chiropractic.
Get Started Today
At Providence Chiropractic, our mission is to help you reach your maximum health potential through a holistic, non-invasive, and whole body approach. We provide the most advanced chiropractic care available and are dedicated to our practice members. Book an appointment with Dr. Jessica Harden-Venable today!